Thursday 2 February 2012

First day of the month in the front garden: February 2012

Ok, slight cheat - it's the 2nd day of the month. Does the fact I did my back in yesterday give me any grace?

Front garden, 1st (ok, 2nd) February, 2012

Early February in the front garden. After January being so mild for most of it, the sudden cold has slowed things down a bit. However, compared to the greyness of January's post, the lovely colours of a cold and sunny February makes it worth it.

Broad beans coming up

Not a lot has changed, other than the broad beans I planted in the right side bed have sprouted where there were nowhere to be seen in January.

Bulb and iris leaves

I also have the leaves of various bulbs coming up, muscari and crocus, as well as some of the garlic. And the Iris leaves, which never completely died off this winter (unlike the previous year), are standing to attention and getting read to put on exponential growth the moment it gets warmer.

The first colour has arrived in the guise of one lonely crocus flower. Not even open, thanks to the freezing temperatures of the last few days. But that just makes it more welcome, more of a delight. Despite the weather it's keen to get outside and do its thing.

Now we wait to see if February remains cold and therefore growth is slow. Or will it suddenly warm and bring out not just the crocus but all the daffidol and narcissus flowers, but also the green growth of the fritillaries?