Firstly though, we lunched at the cafe and enjoyed the light and colour of these wonderful grasses.
Notice also the beautifully espaliered tree growing up the wall of the offices.
And the detail of the Calamagrostis reaching up and the Stipa gracefully leaning over.
Autumn colours in the Autumn garden.
The sky blue of the Ceratostigma willmottianum, Chinese plumbago.
Leaf mid-change and serrated edges of Prunus 'Shirofugen'.
Grass and Echinacea seed heads.
Into the Winter garden, and my favourite Acer, and one of my most favourite trees, Acer griseum.
And I was rather taken with this, Liquidambar styraciflua 'Lane Roberts'.
Whose orangery-red leaves stood out from a distance.
Winter staples, but always welcomed. Cornus, with yellow jasmine in the background.
A stop for a rest, and to enjoy the sun and colours in the Dry Garden.
And how about another photo with the lovely Acer griseum, this time in context with a wider part of the Winter garden.

I have some photos from the Alpine house but I will cover these in another post. In the meantime, I think it's time I visited Cambridge Botanic Garden in summer, so I'm putting that into the diary.
See also: Garden visit: autumn in the Alpine House at Cambridge Botanic Garden