Monday 15 August 2016

Voilà! New alpine planter

As well as growing some alpines in my Alpine Wall, my love of alpines is increasing. So when my Kevin offered to buy me a gardening treat, I pointed him in the direction of this blue alpine planter. Which I didn't think to photograph until it was planted up. But I promise you, it was empty to start with.

I started filling it up with a 50-50 mix of horticultural sand and SylvaGrow peat-free compost about 2 months ago. But since then I've been laid low with the darned ME. Today I finally ok enough to do a spot of gardening and decided it was time to finish the job. And voilà. Ok, maybe not so voilà since you've just seen it above.

I plan on drilling a couple of holes into the tufa (the big rock in the middle for those not in the know) and squeeze a couple of small sedums in to see if I can get them growing out of this. The will require the purchase of more sedums from the wonderful Alpine Plant Centre in the Peak District. What a shame.

Names are where they are known. Some of the labels are missing, I think blown away by recent winds. Ugh. If you know the names of those missing, do let me know in the comments!

An adorable little fern with no name...

A type of Saxifrage, possibly, or similar to, 'Silver Maid'?

Jovibarba heuffelii cultivars 'mystique'

Also include in the pot, but not photographed individually, is Erigeron glaucus (Beach aster), Sisyrinchium macounii and Veronica whitleyi (Whitley's speedwell).

I'm not sure if I've planted it too densely. It's hard to work out quite what will take off and how quickly, whilst not letting it look too bare either. We shall see. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy these new alpine delights in my new planter. Voilà!