Update Thursday 5th September 2019
This offer has now been oversubscribed, so I can not take any more requests
This offer has now been oversubscribed, so I can not take any more requests

Garlic drying in the sun
My garlic did really well this season. I've sorted through it, what I'm keeping to sow in Autumn, and what I'm saving to eat through the coming year. And I have enough to also do a bit of a garlic giveaway!
I've included some basic info below, but if you'd like to know more about the individual varieties, do take a look at my Garlic Record. If you would like to know more about growing garlic in general, please read my Spoonie Veg: garlic post first.
As there is only 2 packs (each pack contains 5 cloves) available for each variety, you can choose up to 2 varieties you'd like to try. Or I can choose for you if you're not bothered. Then email me your address details to: jgp @ cooptel.net. I plan to send these out in batches, during September. Note: if I get inundated with requests(!), then I might reduce it to 1 variety per person, so more people have a chance to try them.
Due to postal restrictions, this giveaway is only available to people in the EU/UK. This offer is available until 22nd September 2019, and is on a first-come, first-served basis. And yes, this is a free offer :)
Garlic ready for harvesting, at the end of July
Varieties available
Unless otherwise denoted, the variety has a medium flavour, and will grow ok in pots.
Georgia Fire: storage 4 months.
Martin's Heirloom: storage 5 months.
Metechi: medium-strong flavour, storage 5-6 months, not happy being container grown.
Music: storage c. 5 months.
Persian Star: storage 4-5 months.
Rosewood: storage 5-6 months
Silver Rose: 6 months, not happy being container grown.
Apart from Silver Rose, which is a Softneck garlic, all other varieties are Hardnecks (see below). All can be sown in Autumn (October/November).
General information
Hardneck garlic: Allium sativum var. ophioscorodon: always produces a flower stalk (called a scape, see photo at the bottom of the post), is considered to have a stronger flavour, and is considered to have shorter storage qualities.
Softneck garlic: Allium sativum: doesn't produce a flower stalk unless stressed, has better storage qualities.
Soil: alkaline to neutral soil. Do not grow in acid soil. Most don’t do as well in heavy clay, garlic needs decent drainage.
Storage: the length of storage time is based on the conditions I have stored the garlic (more about this in the Spoonie Veg: garlic post).
Container growing: you can grow garlic in containers. I found 3 cloves per 10 litre pot gave me the best harvest. See my Container grown Garlic experiment post for more information.
Posts about growing garlic:
Spoonie Veg: garlic (for an overview of growing garlic)
Container grown garlic experiment (optimal conditions for growing in containers)
Garlic scapes (for Hardneck garlic varieties)
Getting the garlic in (sowing garlic in Autumn)
Garlic Record: my record of growing these garlic varieties since 2010. It gives more detail on the growing of each variety
Garlic growing back in June, with a garlic scape, which is edible too.